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UrT Extra Maps:

The following non-standard maps occasionally appear in rotation. Download them here to avoid waiting on map switch:

Urt Client Tools:

Together with a 3rd-party build of ioq3 for Urban Terror, this script provides a wealth of more efficient controls for statefully managing weapons, zooming, and movement. Examples include toggles for crouching, walking, and sprinting, providing next/previous weapons in a reliable order, press-and-hold zoom with pseudo iron-sights for non-zoomable weapons (minimum FOV and lowered mouse sensitivity), and auto-returning to last selected weapon after a grenade toss. Network/video/audio/input tweaks are also included along with any other noteworthy settings, which should be adjusted to taste. (All binds and config are at the bottom, with comments describing the commands.)

Click to show script

Admin Tools:

Honoredsoft.com's UrT server uses custom teamspeak3 team channel management and xlrstats-based team (auto)balancing and (auto)shuffling plugins for B3. These are small patches on the most gaping leaks in B3 functionality, but I am considering a more substantial overhaul of the core and popular functionality, most notably including robust map rotation with bounds on appropriate player counts, random selection influenced by player ratings and time since last played, gametype cycling, and no limit on number of unique configuration entries per map/gametype.